What are Memories?Memories are good, memories are bad, memories is what we
remember of our life.
When you watch to a Photograph, you remember that day, the day
when you made that photograph.Maybe, there's one of your old friend into that
photograph.And that photo make you smile, and then make you cry.'cause you miss
that day.
You need a new life, you need to say Goodbye to the past
and say Welcome to the future.And you'll get a new future.But you'll never
forget your love and your friends, they will never leave you.And you will meet
them again, one day.
Bleh... Sneak picture on weiren :xAgain. a picture of nature.
Don't just look at this empty field.. It holds lots of memories even though the few of us were once playing there for like 10mins only! (yeap lily, i was working near ur house =p)
Woahh Ohh ohh ohhH~~
Ohh Im addicted to this song sia -_- (lily's old blog song ._. )
Poker Face! xD
That's all for today!
Signing Out,
Kaisong! (:
Memories... They are like the footsteps we left in our life journey
"Dear Clubbers,
We regret to inform that all DJ Steve music in AuditionSEA
will be removed with the May 2009 game client patch.
This is due to
Playpark Forumites' hardworking findings & original artiste of Burning
Summer had stepped in to prove that the songs were not originally created by
him, unlike otherwise stated in his contract with Asiasoft.
We thank all
players for their support for DJ Steve, and we would like to assure clubbers
that Asiasoft does not have any links with DJ Steve at all.
on, different genre of songs(English, Korean, Chinese and more!) will be
introduced every month to AuditionSEA! Stay close with us for future
- AuditionSEA Adminstrator"
These two pictures... You made them for me surprisingly out of the blue! Why, I still got one of them as my forum signature as always! =p
I'm really worried.. Lately I have been having my mood swings and temper flares out of no reason.. Is this an omen? I managed to survive through the first hacking wave... Will I managed to live through after this wave? What's gonna happen to you if I don't make through this time? What's life gonna be like? I'm really worried...
Going off for my 1-day job later, RAWR! i need $$$!! :x Also need to get some experience mah... Get ready for the adult life =x
Ok~ It's time I get ready to go for the job, cya guys at night! xD
Signing Off,
Missing this dearly <3
[Yea all from prom nite :x]There were wacky times... People will get high of saying YOSH!!! I really missed that Amirul... And we will often show funny faces like I did in the picture x=
And this pic... It was taken as a memorial to our tuition class(i still wonder how JZ[top left got into the pic]).. Thanks to it, most of my doubts were turned into understanding. thanks to u all for helping me improve on my physics and chemistry! (WEIREN! SEE U IN THE SAME COURSE IN NP!)
And of course, not forgetting... My clique!
Jonny,Kaywee,Lily(left to right from pic,top pic to bottom pic),Siewming(not in pic) and HongKeng(Not in pic also)...
Knowing you guys was the best time I ever had in my life.. We've shared tons of happy moments together... Find sometime lets meet up together kay? Must keep in contact hor =X
Well well...
what's left? AH HAR THE BLOG TEMPLATE! Shall update links soon. Cya guys!
Signing out,
Kaisong ^^
Who am I? I am..
Tan Kai Song,
18 Years Old,
Born on 9th January 1992 (09011992)
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Network Systems and Security(Year 2)
♥ Loves! ♥
Ng Siew Ming ♥
Family and Friends~
Doraemon :P
Going out xD
★ Wishes~ ★
Be with darling together forever ♥
more,More & MORE Money! $_$
A laptop
Lucky every day! xD