My life is really really flooded with tons of stuff...=x LOL That's what makes me special yea? All I've done,it may seem for nothing but still I like it! It's so meaningful! Helping others in times of need, and to watch the smiles grow back on those faces again! =D
So this morning,was running outside the school for a round outside the school and running half a round already makes me sooooo worn out. =x Well...After that badminton, was having quite alot of fun playing with badminton! Ohyea,I sweated! That means a little bit loss of fats. =x Seriously,that was a good match! xD
Chinese lesson was super nice! Mrs Chin was talking about the KusoNG competition again! (=x)[I know that's sounds like my name -.-] And...this time round we got a super nice example! ehhehe...Trust me...You are gonna love this!
Song Name:欠我十块 Kuso-ed from(rhythm from):千里之外
Nice right?LOL After that Yongwei was trying to modify the lyrivs of many many songs... LOL,playing with such thing,never ever get so addicted to it!
Physics lesson was toally crazy! Was studying all the electricity thingy and then dunno how it seemed more of House safety lesson -.-
Maths lesson was superb. Yongwei and I was singing away in class.Sang tons la.First started with I live in singapura then went to what peng you,you yong de ren,tong hua and more! Then I crazy enough to say "Let's join choir!"
Then nothing much liao la..Only PCCG period,Mr Lee was picing people to follow him to go to pualau pukung or wadeva la... And he is so "evil!",pick by playing scissors paper stone one! And me...kana sabo-ed... GREAT! I'm gonna be home real late for the whole of this month.. Homework..Wah... Cannot do on time liao la!
Afternoon had rehearsal,was super busy. Man...Why isit that I have 5 stomachaches in a row? Fear of what Mr Png said...."Constant stomach ache is a symptom of stomach cancer" Stomach cancer...*gulps*
Oh homework liao,signing off,Kaisong.
I luv Kuso! that song rock =x
Kai Song last roared after this post at 7:26 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Wahaha! A mega post once again! Since it's like ok,2 days in 1 post.and well...You know my blogging-essaying skills =x Ok,enough of intro(b4 it gets lengthy again...)
Yesterday..Was totally stressed out with my schedule...So...well... Of course I gonna look for look someone to talk to la...Or else I really will die out of my stress.Stupid schedule! I noe have barely time for myself! LOLz. Thanks Lily 孙女 and Wei Juan 妹妹 (alphabetical order,even though there's 2 only..) for talking to me! Really made me feel much better! :)
If you have any problems come to me bah,I'll do my best to help you all! =D Actually, there are many people in this world who needs the help and accompany of others,that's what I learnt. The key to living your life happily-Being positive and shaping your attitude to the likes of others. Looks? They are merely only a set-up. We can't possibly let our looks determine our lives,right?
At evening was actually surfing the net looking for some songs and... well... my ears... they became universal! O_O And well.. yea..Music all nite long! xD Of course,I did some sleeping...After all,facing the computer too long makes me dizzy... Had the shortest sleep in my entire life. Instead of a timing of 1hours or 2hours whihc I usually sleep(not at nite la..),I only slept for half an hour and I'm like...OMG? I felt as though I've slept the entire evening but in fact I have only slept half an hour! =S
At night, back to my so-called of councilling business. I dunno why,but... I love to help people! O_O Funny right? Of course,that doesn't mean I wish that some of you have problems or wad lar... =x Stay happy everyone!
10.00pm...Decided to play MapleStory for awhile since I'm totally bored by then and couldn't really go to sleep. And... I was crazy enough to challenge the all-mighty zakum! Actually I was planning to go there to see see for fun then in the end... =x well... i went in with the others! (and I forgotten to prepare my potions!) =x Curiosity...Sometimes it kills the cat.Sometimes it gives you a surprise! Hah! Pictures time! (sorry but this is gonna be real loooong...) =x [It's the first time I went to that kind of place somemore =x]O_O 10.25pm: The first time I'm here...kinda scary altar I muz say
And who will be so... to start the battle when all the preparations are not done yet?(my fav scene, the summoning looks so cool!)
What you can start to call necessary spamming. =x (I wonder Melvin aka PuppetRanger will be able to tank this kind of lag that the spamming will cause anot =x)The true battle begins...And this..Mr Zak's favourite skill..Look atmy HP and Mp u know liao...Zakum has been spamming it for 10x times throughout the whole course =x.And the mobs kaciaoing the 'war"?This must never happen in real life..*gulps*Struggle all you wan Mr Zakum,you brought you best,led a few people to death(excl. me! xD). The next to fall,it is you!After an hour...Finally he is sooooooooooo dead!(STINGY DROPS! D=< )11.25pm(yea,no bomber,it took us an hour): I am finally helmed! (O~ I'm so lucky~ So many people unhelm,I tio the nice helmet!) Looks like god sia...And!I got the helmet with the best stats! xD
Thanks Junlong,Yongwei,JianMing for the grats! (wth.only 3...)
Zomg... xStarySinxx,PuppetRanger,Carol,Junlong and many many more is gonna kill me for having the helm so quickly now... *gulps* [And...The guild did nothing in the zak run even though they said those helm should mega and say good things about their guild] What they did was the same as the others,and many of the squad members are from different guild so conclusion: What that gal said is crap. =x
Didn't pick up anything else after that,they aren't worth alot anyway. Maybe it is heaven rewarding me for all the good deeds I've done! xD xD "rmb do good deeds and you'll get good stuff in return ^^ those peoplewho kacau you really will deserve their retribution ^^"-Eleanor. Well...It's proven true now! Of course,don't do things with an intention! Be serious and truthful about it, if you are greedy, should know t"he cause and effect sutra"=x
After that watched the TV for awhile and...OMFG! Death Note is gonna be shown in Chinese in Channel U for the next TWO saturdays at 8.30pm! Woah. I love Death Note man. Even though my favourite part was "L change the world",which has nothing to do with the book. =x
Hah.That's about all I wanna say for today. Next week I'll be very Very VERY busy with speech day stuffs. Anyone feel sad dun sad hor,no matter friend or foe,I'll help you as much as I can one.I promise!
Signing off,KaiSong ^^ Even if sad things rain down on you,no one is going to end up alone!
Say...Is everyone fine with the song?
Kai Song last roared after this post at 3:06 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hmm...Update about last night yea? Though it's only a few hours,but yet so many things can be achieved! Small time,big things worth remembering...
Last night...Or should I start off with evening? Well...Was kinda pissed off with some people den again,thinking back,nah...Just to vent my anger on some friggin people.. and with so many people supporting me...No thanks to those will I lose my happiness! xD (When you are angry for a minute,you would have lost 60seconds of happiness! xD)
Rushed to tuition thanks to that. And yea -.- I was late! For the first time! And what did I get? Some nice seats with ladies and the seat with the boys is not there.(only the table) BUT! Smarty me is always there! What to do? Simple la -.- Just shift the chair out,and choose your nice place can liao! xDD
Tuition was kinda weird today...My stomach dunno why pain like hell.. Went to the toilet for I think...3 times? LOL then Mr Png went on trying to scare me with all those symptoms of Stomach cancer thingy... Evil sia!
Well...that's all for the night! many people on "low addiction" still.. =x
And...Replying Tags for the first time! I dun wanna end up flooding my very own tagboard...=x Tag replies! (xD): Siewming: Thankies!
Sherry: LOL well...everyone? O_O Their looks...their attitude...
XueLing: Harh...She's fierce when she's really angry I guess...(just like me!)
PeiQi : Thanks! Now should I say afternoon or good nites? o.o
Shane -.- (probably the longest reply ever): Har! I can be really berserk/mad when I'm angry,ya noe... =x But can also be very kind to those nice to me too! xD Deathnote...I anyhow choose actually de =x The cakes not made by me one... The squishiees did it/ I think Jasmine Ker uploaded the cake making process in her blog orh.And err -.- I can't possibly take a pic of myself in my class =x. My class is unlike eleanor and jasmine ker that one. All the teachers in my class are super strict! posts are long -.- Essay writing skills! That's what I call practise! =x And lastly,thanks for the tag! xD
Kai Song last roared after this post at 11:48 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
O_O So for today... well...things have got really really better as you know it...well not really...cause of LAG Lag lag! My internet's really funny these few days... ok,wadever crap,into today's post!
Today...Thanks to all AVA Members who attended this morning's assembly duty for working hard to present a very magnificent morning assembly. Was surprised that Mediacorp actually came and flimed the NRIC presentation. LOL flimed almost everyone except us...LOL Look on the bright side! They are gonna cut lots to produce quality work de la.I oso in TV for dunno how many times liao. =x
Then lesson was as per normal. Recess... once again I ate the same old thingy.With Patrick.Then later he go liao.(output) Then the input? Sherry and Xueling again. LOL... Gimme tons of real crap =.="" People change...LOL (xueling keep pester me buy her thing! AHHHH! )
After school! Went to help Sihao/Miss Lui with the house meeting by providing mikes.Cool.I'm solo-ing the whole thing. So that's nothing meanwhile I sweep the control room clean.Yea -.- My sweeper role again.
After that 30mins lunch...ZZZ The same few RC gals kachiao me again! ><" aiya used to it liao... They can do NOTHING to me! WAHAHAHA! I got my ways... =x Then life science club meeting.
Meeting was super short... But was really fun! (with me kana chosen to run the CCA Relay! HELL NOOOOOOOooo!) then Miss Pang later say Life Science Club is the BEST cca! Why? Can slack alot... -.- LOL! Later den discussed the new commitee with the committee members and Miss Pang.Had some fun chatting after that.
After which did homework with Eleanor and Shane in the canteen, since I wasn't really thinking of going back home and better still...there's company! Then was more of talking session =x Lots to share...Different class mah! xD
After which had BBT together =x den walk eleanor home den home sweet home,den watch BlackJack21 for fun on youtube =x. tada.Shorter this time I guess?
[thx yw for info on typo]
Kai Song last roared after this post at 5:43 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mood of the day: wonderful though it's tiring! =x
Great...Today's been really busy for me! Well...Really short and simple this time now =x
Morning before recess was nothing much... Recess also... So the real stuff for today starts off at Maths,the one before school dismissal! LOL The test was really great! I think I might score full marks for that!(thanks kingston for studying with me in the control room this morning)
After that celebrated Miss Wong's birthday in her class! Was having so much fun reuninting with each otherand talking and talking.Yea... And some of the squishiees are like snatching to give me the cake! =X LOL Wei Juan won this 'competition', Eleanor came in second.And Jasmine came 3rd =x LOL...Sorry but.. I'm not eating that much! And since I was there very short thanks to the house practise...But...some pics are coming right up! Straight from my phone and wei juan's =x *evil laughs*
From My Phone!:
Argh -.- Wei Juan mei why you go inside!!! Nvm..Feel up space! Look at Mr Tyty!The wat the president of SC eats... =.= ZOMG!
O~ Aren't they romantic? xD Dun worry,I believe the others have it too! xD
From Wei Juan mei's phone (afew though):
The cakes the squishiees made for Miss Wong! (looks like all of them are chocolates...but I ate the one with blueberry in it. Miss Wong cuts the cake.LOLS The boys look so much like bodyguards =S
From Eleanor's: (She never took! T_T)
After that House Practise...Nothing much except lots of talking with Jian Ming over some things. Meanwhile,hongwei teaches the new members. Then nothing much,went back home.
Life at home was again,technological. Helping people with so many things,playing around with my scanner and OMFG! I forgotten how to use it...See..Long time never use,now I forgotten it. Lucky wei Juan had the same brand(or even the model too) that I learnt how to use it within seconds. And ehehe~ Scanned tons of stuff. Speech Day thingies and even my baby photos =x
Well...After which talked with some of the old friends about our past memories.. Seriously...Gonna work hard! The next gathering...probably I'm gonna host it! And at the same time...I was updating the AVA Club blog...Nice! Longest post in that blog I ever updated! No craps though. =x
That's about all for today. Bye all. "100hits reached!" xD
Kai Song last roared after this post at 9:10 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008's the start of my super looong schedule! *rolls out the scroll of things I had to do* But... I don't mind! In fact, I love to help people! Not that I'm bragging. LOL. So starting today's post,wont make it that lengthy.<==I try~
Actually no need try,why? Cause there's nothing much. well.Let's just say morning I have been talking lots with Pei Qi mei and Sherry. Talked lots and lots of things. Ranging from computers to..well *forgets* =( Then dunno why I also abit sot sot... Dunno how I sweep ar,the handle for the broom actually became dislocated from the sweeping 'hairs'! Wahaha! The broom loves me that it chose me as it's master. LOL that handle looks so much like a sword to me! Probably a keyblade.. LOL I want a real one..<==wait long long oso no have de la -.-
Den was really tired..Dunno why lar... Just feel like resting. Not like yongwei though... Miss Hang caught him sleeping with him drooling with the saliva on the paper.... =x Lucky I was talking with PeiQi and Sherry(again -.- I've been with those for the whole day! =] ) or else I'll be disgusted to death... =x <==Yea,I'm bad,for once!
So after which have oral... The teacher was late... Maybe because the actual invigilator got sick so this is what we call "last minute changes"? lol... I was first though...Need to rush for rehearsal =x Man..That was so dam hard! LOLz... <== Really must chiong liao. Buying petrol! After that rehearsal for NRIC presentation... Hmm...tat was pretty successful...Seriously,I prefer the band playing the national anthem(if there's no off tune), so bored of hearing the same thing from the CD! Somemore that stupid VCD player... spoil! Then DVD player...LAG! WAH!!!!!! Takes broom and smashes it on the DVD player. jkjk...[we are using it for speech day =.=" ]
Dind expect it to end so early at 3...Was expecting to end at 4 or 5+ actually =x So at this point of time stay back in the control room with wei kiat to talk some stuff and help him with his homework.<== Teaching,not doing for him! I oso very good de ok! xD After that went back with PeiQi mei to the bus stop. While wei kiat...waits and waits for her..*ahems* talking once again. Came to realise, we are actually ultra ultra stressed up. LoL....Wah..relax relax.... Must obey the many guidelines the many cheerleaders in my life has given me!<--top fews in mybesties section.
ok,that's the end of the day... Well... Thinking back,why can't I let go of this thing found in Keryn's blog's tagboard.(guess it'll be under the older messages section): <-- Man this is soooo old! 13 Feb 08, 19:55 someone: kaisong> an insult to human reaction LOL...Bad is bad lar...But... It's time I forgive people. People may have did me wrong,but so I may have probably done wrong! So...Start anew,let go of all this hatred,these grudges!
"Mastering others is strength,mastering yourself is true power..."
Kai Song last roared after this post at 8:10 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ok,today was totally hippy happy for me~ Told you all those tactics of mine is gonna work! Heh~ And I enjoyed today thoroughly! LOLZ. The way you live I can live my life happily now..the secret..Well... Let's just say.. Always look on the bright side of life! (it's more than what you think! xD ) <-- Suddenly,this sounds so much like Hakuna Matata... =x
Morning... Ghazali and Shannon was presenting on their expedition to (dunno wad...but the one WeiJuan and SiHao and Carol went!). Their expedition presentation... made me totally envious of them! (except the leech-in-the-water part). LOL...And now I finally know what's with this "Low" trend that everyone's been talking nowadays. (Think wei juan spammed that word in one of her recent posts =x) The video har...They use the song "low"..Yea..Tons of low inside the singing! =x But seriously,that was nice! (WHACKS STUPID WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER FOR BEING SPOILT NOW!) <==Maybe someone wanna buy a 'Sony Vegas 7.0' for me? xD
Then PE... Heard a "thank you" from Beatrice and I was like so...shocked! Yea..We AVA Members rarely,and very rarely, even get a thank you despite our "long-term service" =x. Then PE was really breathless and already can feel headache in me. Then ask me run so many times I'm like,wah!"faint ar faint!"..Of course dind la.. A man must out to be the best! Yea.. That's what...
Got our School Annual Photo Album,and the first moment we got it,everyone flipped to look for their faces! xD There's 5 pictures of me! 3 from CCA[cause they incl. the funshot for AVA!{AVA Rules}],1 from Class photo, and the last one from a special south west CDC project.(Think it was in the Humanities department =x ) And next..autograph.. LOL Only managed to get 5 out of the many people who I wanted autograph,try finish collecting them at the end of this week! [If you do not plan,you plan to fail]
Recess was great! Crapping with the same few... And loads of stuffies. Well extra one person in it though,wei kiat -.- He ar...well I oso nothing to say... Den was going back class den saw Lily. OMG She's crazy! She was drinking soy milk...and at the same time eating yoghurt... nice one =.= (I think she mentioned something about eating like..15cheese in the morning?) o-o Calcium lover =x Aiya natural de lar. I also ear yoghurt like once in 2 days... =x but that kind lei...zz,got osteoporosis den really funny liao lor..
Then nothing much...(fastforwards to chemistry lesson) The lesson was super fun! What you'll expect from MrLee's class,fun and enjoyable! Hah~ At least waked me up when I was like feeling sleepy =x [thanks to the rainy weather... =.="] Well,the lesson was more of talking about his trip in JJC. Short and sweet,entertaining though!
After school,was supposed to have last minute supplementary class for Chemistry(LOLS...)... So I'm back there on that table,eating with Junlong and those few guys the same thing-Chicken rice..Seriously.. Our school canteen needs more variety! Though it won't e easy with all those regulations for what the school can sell.
Then later went back to class,only to realise that the Chemistry lesson was cancelled! So doing some horny talkings and crapping,blah blah blah.<==I'm practising my skill of crapping for tommorow's oral! Sorry,AVA,won't be able to turn up tommorow... ='( And the nicest part,well...
I was like talking to Syameera(if not wrong outside my class so I have been kind of jumping around to ensure that my bag is adjusted properly...And.... My water bottle...Actually fell off the building! Yea -.- From the top floor to the first floor! Lucky it was raining or i'll be in deep trouble...(since people sure will go there when it rains and when that thing hits people... from that high...)
And so I ran down and took it up,only to realise.. It dind even have a crack! ZOMFG! NO CRACK DESPITE A FALL FROM 4 STOREYS HIGH?! Wow... My eyes so good.picked the correct water bottle when I bought it(it's expensive though -.- , but it can hold 1350ml!^^)
After that went with Johnny,Kay Wee and Lily(JKL?O_O) to the hall to support our classes in the Tug-O-War... And they lost=x...LOL! Crapping on our way home... Now? Same thing lor... oh well nothing much to say liao...
Bye all...Will be VERY VERY busy from tommorow onwards...
Wednesday:EL Oral,AVA Meeting Thursday:House Practise9can touch mixer again!) Friday: Life Science Club meeting That's all.Bye all!
Kai Song last roared after this post at 4:47 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
So tired today... Man...I think I need a sleep! If it wasn't for the homework I still gonna do... (I can feel the panda eyes growing..=x) Ok,enough crapping,into today's post.
So here I am back in this yellow chair of mine in front of this computer thinking back of what happened today. Well...Today actually was kinda like the same in the morning,but thanks to (read on to find out), I think I found my DTL again..(Door to light)
Early morning,kinda super tired of my partner talking and talking non-stop! yea..He talked seconds after seconds after seconds after seconds after seconds after seconds after seconds..(so it goes on! xD)Then I'm like...What the... How can I concentrate. Then if I not wrong I kinda asked him to shut up,then the class again..asked me to shut up. Bah! And this time,I replied: "I do not take orders from you!" Humph...People must always learn to fight for their own!
Then they and their second round of treatment,ignorance =.=""" <== Old method,expire liao la.. And to all these funny funny people,sorry but tha kind of game is long ago over. Why? Cause...
This is MY story, and they are not a part of it!
I choose the way I want to live,not the others! So...Ignorance...( to some things only) is bliss! Don't care this funny people. They wanna be funny.Let them be funny!xD They wanna be stupid. Let them be!=X Zzz..老套永远都是没有的 =.= These tenacious little bugs,just wait for heaven to fix them!
Harhar! I've been through all this, hurt me if u wan. Just look... You know my temper well. I get angry easily. Once my berserk-ness(the level how much I tolerated) reaches the max,trust me,you gonna see one wild and dangerous 'beast' turning anything(and I mean anything,even the handle of a broom) into one claymore/sword/wadever you call it.
Thanks Wei Juan 妹妹 for the wonder sweets! O_O Hehe... Why I called it wonder sweets? Ask me in MSN bah! xD You see..Something so simple...Can actually really make one's day. Well... They actually sort of cheered me up when I felt down during those tactics people gave me(as mentioned in the first few paragraphs)... SEE! Something so simple...led to such a big consequences.(learning point for the post =x) SEE I SO KIND SIA! Help people clear their houses,help them 大扫除their house!(even though I'm the one who needs to do so now...)
Another factor of why I so happy today-Is... Speech Day Rehearsal! Yea... -.- Dunno why I always so happy whenever I can do rehearsals or do duties on major events and concerts. Probably because I love to help people... Hmm...Poly...Perharps I should go for course on "Audio-Visual Technology". Wait. That will make me playing with technology for the whole of my life! O_O
Was pretty happy with today's speech day rehearsal,everyone is finally working together seriously as a team. And to add on, we have a new mixer board! Wah...That looks so damn cool... and the first guy to be able to operate it? ME ME ME! WAHAHA! Ok..I'm crazy -.- Great job everyone on making a good job out of the rehearsal! (though I know they are never going to credit us...)
Went home at like 5.20+pm... And was sooo unlucky -.- First I missed my bus,den the rain was so heavy that I became a wet chickem within seconds of running. =x But then again.. Missing the bus will mean more time on my phone! Hah! But today no mood listen any songs,I too high liao =x ... And the wet chicken part... Well... Black chicken is very essential for health,white chicken is a famous chinese delicacy! But then hor...I go home already first thing go bathe,so no chance to be famous delicacy! xD Dun ever think of eating me! =P
Now ar...Sleep lor... It's great for health and ur mental strength! And... homework... =x Err...regarding that ar...well...gonna go now! Byes!
"Paradise-Let's all go together!" xD Everyone dun like to be lonely,I am no other! x)
Kai Song last roared after this post at 6:55 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ok...So it's the end of another week again... Looking back at the past well...I got loads to say...
I really have do I say that... Oh well.. Let's just say.. I've been kinda stupid enough to argh...forget about it! Ok,so only after all these now I realised... who is there really reaching out for me. They are my life's cheerleader! Perharps it's now my turn Ok...Update about today...
Today was kinda crazy,well I woke up ultra early...Though I slept at like 12+ last night... Dunno why lei...Can't sleep =x Speaking of last night,I finally recieved a mail from Shevam! Yea,my India buddy... WAH! So happy sia...So long liao still rmb me! xDD
Okok...back to today was really crazy... Early morning when I woke up(after the daily procedures..) I'm already SMS-ing people like Lily and Wei Juan... Must occassionally flood my inbox marh!
Then had late breakfast(combined with lunch,2-in-1) at the market... So long since I ate the porridge there! Same old taste! Love it~
After which had haircut. People often say the more hair you have, the more troubles yo have in your heart. That's agreed by me only to a certain extent! Just think....Gals so many hair... making them have alot of troubles...Tat'll be unfair of heaven,right? So...Let it go! Dun chain urself with too much memories before you freak out!
At home... Decided to do something different! Decided to did some major changes in my bloggie and...TADA~ Yea...Added tons of new features and changed my blogskin.So in this new version, I totally renewed my profile,added a hit counter(to track the number of people). Enough of crapping in this.
At night,had lunch outside. So as you can see, nothing much today. Kinda looked forward to tommorow... I wan PE! (NOT ANOTHER WHACK THAT IS! ) I wanna slim down... =x Tmr is gonna be really busy...Speech Day rehearsals,I can faint just by thinking the amount of work I need to handle =.= (Dun worry wei kiat,I'll still teach you maths de![if i have time tmr])
OK,So long~
Something I find really funny with the "lyrics"
Kai Song last roared after this post at 8:11 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Well..Before I start my post about today(last minute work,see when I update this you knoe ler!),
Happy Good Friday everybody! and...
Happy Birthday KaiTai!(though I'm not invited to the party =x )
So... What to expect at morning when there's this period of no schooling? Extra sleep lor =x . Yea -.- Woke up at 9.45am this morning. Pretty late I must say. Breakfast,lucky there's still one last loaf of bread left, or I gonna freak out since my mum's definitely going to ask me to buy it from the kopitiam with my own money.
Then...homework! Funny... sine when did I liked to do some homework? O_o Maybe it's because of the end of the 'war' that now I can concentrate in my studies better. So... chiong chiong chiong it all day. Until...
OMFG! My mum allowed me to play Maple! And I'm like super shock. She was like...well...dunno how say lar. I just feel so shocked that I could play. Well,hard work pays!
Playing? To be exact, multi-tasking. When I was mapling...I was more of... pressing Alt+Tab and chitty chatty with people... =x Got tons of things to say lor... You know? Teenage stuffs. Only part I wasn't multi-tasking? Summoning event... And ZOMG! My computer actuall can withstand that kind of lagness?! Oh well... MOST of the lagness I mean -.-
Pretty crazy I muz say =x GM so evil!
This is what I'll rather call a zoo. -.- Can your computer take this much?
Ok,enough of tat... -.- Enough bragging of my mighty computer. So after that went to IMM to shop awhile... And it turned out real boring. Well.That's all for good friday. Wow... I spent 30mins typing all this O_O
gonna sleep tight well. Bye all.
Kai Song last roared after this post at 11:59 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The time has finally come... All has finally come to an end... (though some tried to be really funny though -.- )
And in a game you either win or lose. And that means you either become happy or sad with what you got. And with me starting a game,that will mean starting afresh! Ehhehe~ Obviously, I'm out from the darkness! The darkness of the unknown and mystic force =x Seriously,that wat of like dunno how many days is like... super long... This war... it has finally come to an end! => Of course, I could not have made it through with the following people...~ Name list please~ *clicks hand*[randomness order =x]
1.Yingwei meimei (for well.. giving a listening ear, councilling me over [sth] ) 2.Wei Juan meimei (for calming me down and giving me a listening ear over MSN) 3. Kay Wee (for a listening ear) 4. Eleanor (for a listeing ear and there something else? =S ) 5.Wei Kiat (talk over MSN...)
Oh well~ I gonna dedicate a song for you all...Yeah -.- I do not have any nicey nicey ideas in my head sooo~ hmm~
Yea -.- The same old thingy =.=""" Who will think for ideas of such over such things anyway? Ok,next part ~
Today......After summarising everything up on this cosy bed of mine,finally I know what to do...
Ignorance is bliss! Concentrate on studies! Ah-ha~ I know the strategy,but no more waves please.. Ehhehe~
And what are you supposed to expect for an extra no sch day for the week? Extra homework -.- many things to do... which more time to update! Tata! Homework=one mountain... =.=
Kai Song last roared after this post at 5:40 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Life doesn't seem to get any better this few day...(say...wonder when will this ever bloody stop..) Oh well... blog about the past 2 days... Can't really stop myself from being bothered by all these that I can't really sleep these feel days and my appetite... It's been really funny...Awhile I don't feel like eating,awhile I find myself wanting to stuff myself for no reason...Haiz...
Yesterday... really blacked out for the day.. Can't really find myself talking like my actual self... You ask me why? I also dunno how to say... (until I say today,all I'm typing in now is about yesterdaY)
Early morning... I was late! Yea... Surprising har? Dun ask me why,ask heaven why I can only slept at 2am the night before lor...Dun worry. Tao Oei's late too... Haiz... So the PE teacher was coming with the class to the gate and so. The whole class saw us la... And what did I turn my back on them,since I sort of am unhappy over certain things that quite a number of them did to me before and over the holidays...
So what did I hear? Yea you know I can be really sneaky doing some eavesdropping at times. So what did I hear? Firstly some of the people saying things like "wah kaisong that nooshyt finally came late to school lei!" and other things about me... I may act as though I do not know about their presence,with me having my back facing them but in fact,I'm holding the tears in my eyes.. A Mr Alan 'requesting' the councillors to let him go...yes and only him... Then I'm like... feeling that they were so biased towards him lor.(It's VERY obvious I tell you...) =(
After that...well... I'm totally speechless... I found myself totally quiet for the day... I dunno why but I always held the temptation of wanting to cry in class. Mrs Chin almost caught me with that... *gulps*
Recess...the same thing again... eating that same plate of meaningless food... all by myself... Not that I'm trying to get sympathy but... do you ever know how does it feel to eat by yourself when everyone else sitting around you has someone to accompany them? Haiz...Wonder how much worse can it get...
After recess... really tired of so many things... It's not just the club,but also some of my personal stuffs and well... my CCA larh...blah blah blah... It's not just only when school reopens,but all this have already been starting since... a month before the holidays... my level of toleration,it's super low now.Yes,I DOUBT MYSELF.
At night... really couldn't have survived tat much if it weren't for a few of what you call real friends who were there for me...Thanks pals... And they include..(i typed in radom lar,since bro nagging -.-) Kay wee,Eleanor, Wei Juan meimei, Yingwei mei, Si Hao and wei kiat...yea -.- that's all... I know it's not big but...this video(or rather the dedicated just for you).
song name : Best Friends By -Toybox-
THANKS WEI JUAN,YINGWEI,KAY WEE,ELEANOR,SI HAO AND WEI KIAT FOR BEING THERE FOR ME! =)[hope ya enjoy the vids,of coz others can watch la..or else why will I put it here? ] really talk much,stupid brother la!everytime think the computer is his,I do abit of blogging oso will die liddat...
so it's chimalogy... (abit...) You see me smiling today,but ever thought of the inside of me? You see me making crappy lies today,but do you know the meaning behind them? You think you know how I feel,but what do you know when our start of the 'story' is different? You see me anwering as nothing much,but do you know how much courage it takes for me to say all this misery I've keeping in me?
Sleep...This feel days I really have been having tons of afternoon sleeps... well... Didn't have much effect actually...
Oh well...try stay happy den... so many support...
my feeling now... very confused... me!
Same thing,want the song or video,just tell me about it.
"I've been having big headaches nowadays." Dun gimme excuses like a boy should never cry,my life is unlike what you all think.It's beyond your imagination...
Kai Song last roared after this post at 7:57 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Now now... so as for today... was totally like ruined. Ok,not that bad....But hey! That means tommorow will be nice! Yea.. you know the cycle...goodies come after the baddies...the baddies come after the goodies...and so on and so forth...
So today I woke up hyper late...thanks to last night's midnight trip -.- ... I woke up at like...10.50am!(or was it 11.50am? ) O_O Where did my precious day go? LoL... Time really flies... In the blink of an eye(perharps I slept too long and thought I was blinking =.="" ),one week is gone.
It's time to chiong homework liao... which means we are gonna expect more and more remedial...supplementary.... and the worst thing,homework. Yea -.- The end of this holiday will mean the start of the period of the "burn midnight oil" season! Time to buy a box of chicken essence.. =x No more gaming. No more playing. Laugh all we want people. Cause the laughing is about to stop! Wanna knoe why? Cause everyone's gonna stress their brains... =x Oh yeah...This is gonna be good. What I will call...special training!
Ok,so today...having the last few moments of mapling..And it was boring~ Really -.- ... And the nice part? Lvled up. That's all -.- How lame can it go? Oh well.... Other than that, was afk-ing and talking to some of my best-ies on MSN... SEE I SO LOYAL SIA! Willing lose a day of training(that is,if i die...) just to entertain u all sia! XD Frendship... They are eternal... right? Well... They better be!
Then... it was raining... Oh crap... I planned to went jogging! Why lei? Planned on slimming down =x Oh well...that's only one of the many many reasons I gonna say! (before this paragraph gets really really lengthy...) Man...Gonna wait for tommorow's PE lesson before I can sweat again... =x ARGH! I'm dying out of lack of fresh air!!!
Why do I say so? Well I'm not the only one complaining! CONFIRM AR! SURELY AR! Sure got other people oso dying out of boredom at home de... Imagine! There's this nice food in the microwave oven... doing the same thing... That food is us, and the microwae oven is our dear "home 'sweet' home"... Supplying us with all the wave... =x
So being cooked up at home...what I can do is... the same thing...blogging...and...youtubing... HAH! TIME TO REST! Or else..tommorow I GG liaoz =x MAN I'M ADDICTED TO THIS SONG! You all should listen to it!(especially gals since their taste will be more on this...[yes I'm tired of rock =.=])
Want the song(MP3 format) or video(3GP format,meant to be played in your handphone!) in your phone or computer, you can email me,sms me,talk to me,call me or msn me. Now dun say my service no efficiency! XDD
ok that's all. Bye all. And byebye holidays..(no more sian-ness due to lack of homework!)
Kai Song last roared after this post at 8:40 PM
Ok,so it has come to the last day of the holiday and so... I'm still holding on to my holiday mood... =X Was that supposed to be..funny? LOL! After ONLY one week, yes...ONLY ONE WEEK! And still my holiday mood is still so strong? O_O
Oh well... Anyway found this in Jasmine Ker's blog... and my result shows..
CAPRICORN - The Go-GetterPatient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendl y at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. [others who wan see about urself...the link is dere]
Actually can be pertty true lar... But...HAIYA! People change marh! How can this one determine bout you,right? Oh well... since it's morning,I shall blog about yesterday den. xD (trust's crappy since there's nothing much going on)
I've been really sighing so much.... dunno why larh.... (great...I'm sighing now -.- ) Oh well... gonna stop this habit before I get wrinkles all over my face [Lily said : Sighing leads to growth of wrinkles! ] or sumthing liddat larh... Wrinkles... Dunno true or not lei... Better be safe than sorry =S If still cannot... dunno liaoz =.="""
And then... yes... Mapling AGAIN! And the nice part? My guild! Yea! Infamous guild...wonder why they gave such a name...-.- And what did we do? Went to boss again! xDD I LOVE TO KILL BOSSES! LoL... Cant make it to my target liao.. T_T Maybe I ask for a high target liao bah...
At night! Dinner... Cooked instant noodles for myself...say... that was the best taste I had out of all my cookings! (doesn't mean the rest of my cookings are bad ar! ) Den... Watched The Lion King... It's a great show! (though it's very very old... -.- ) And I was like halfway through when my mum said that we are going to the hypermarket(Giant lor...)! And I'm like...oh well imagine urself.. going into the hypermarket at 11.40PM!!!! Nice sia...
Bought tons of stuff >_<"" And went back at like... 12.50pm? Wasn't expecting Kay wee to call me during the trip...WHEN MY PHONE WAS LOW IN BATTERY! And I mistook him as jerrick! (I found it out this morning only... =.= ) SORRY KAY WEE!
Back to my humble home,we were crapping and continuing the movie... all the time till 2am! (Yea...Late night sleep again -.- )
So... For today... I must do something meaningful! Running...Yea-.- Trying to sort of...slim down...LOL! oh well...nothing liao. Bye allz.
Kai Song last roared after this post at 12:37 AM
Friday, March 14, 2008
Today I'm so hyper-lucky sia... Maybe because my lucky charm came back from the expedition,but who will it be?(Say...there was like 40++ people who went overseas?) Argh...who cares...
Early morning...After one whole week of struggling... FINALLY.. MY HOMEWORK IS COMPLETE!!! Except Chemistry.... Which I just realised I forgotten to upload and I left the last question out. =x Leave it for tommorow bah! XDXD (Say...Anyone understand vectors? Can teach me? )
Afternoon nothing much... Except the very tension of trying to win that GM event... I know it sounds kinda funny. But out of the whole Bootes server's XXXXXXXXXXX population. I WON THE EVENT! YEA! SS coming right up! Yea...stupid omok game... The GM and I was like...aiya I almost make it...den later heng ar....almost lost.... What you expect to feel-tension in your heart when you are gonna get something so precious which is so so close to you... Anyone gratz me? =P
What you call a big fierce war -.- (HE'S HOLDING A BURNING SWORD SOMEMORE! POINT AT ME SOMEMORE! ) =.=
Like the GM said...GG! (Good Game) Why? Cause I won! XD
Whatthe world is this map? O_O Nothing but 2 NPCs...Saying can make advancement as GM.=X
And the flooding never stop... =x I'm a star now!
Kai Song last roared after this post at 7:27 PM
FINAlLY FINISHED HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woots!
Yea...I'm dead beat right now... After so much of brain works -.- ... Now.. It's just well... brain rest... as in... yea you know... my feelings lor... Ohya
Welcome back expediters!
update later
Kai Song last roared after this post at 12:23 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Today I'm totally mad about it... Why? Goodness...Gonna talk about all of this...
Early morning. Firstly was planning to chiong my homework with Junlong they all. Then so... w egot a few question dunno how to do. So what we did was invite some people inside MSN to talk together. Then dunno who ar, go spam invite,then become so noisily spamming nudging,talking,winking,so on and so forth tat i cant even take a look at my work! Walao... Then they ask who invite de... All point at me without proof... And sort of everone suanned me like siao... Then so I left the room... talk with Junlong on the phone.. then tio pull inside that flooded room again. And this time, even pro... Anonymous people get pulled in,and I'm once again the victim to be scolded for nothing! T___T
Afternoon,got really fed up with the homeworks... My brother been's pestering me to finish it faster(so that he can play). And my pile is like unfinishable... So lunch time? Waited long long for my family.
So they decided to have lunch at IMM at first. Then it's like, I told them I have tons of homework to do and they took one big big round inside IMM before deciding to eat at the kopitiam right beside our home? =.="" Sian la. No mood for homework liao la.
Raining super heavily tonight...You know, I sometime really cry out in the rain if I feel sad. And tha's what I did today...When asked by a family,all I can say is "nothing la.."... Haiz...
Mapling. Even worse. My brother cope de computer like hell den I like want to play a little bit of extra (I told them this is my last period playing the computer) and what did I get? A big,attitude-packed NO.walao... wan reply oso no need so fierce de marh.... den map tio raided.... thing tio scammed...
Tmr... Expediters are coming back... feel so...nothing much liao after all these part of the day..Wish them a safe journey back.
planning to continue chiong tmr... with the stack of homework....
Oh well...gonna go...thanks to Junlong and yingwei for TRYing to calm me down.(but u knoe I dun really get tat kind of smile back easily.)
Signingout, kai song.(hopefully it fades tmr morning...)
say.. why is she in my dream full-time yesterday? O_O right beside me... affairs of the heart...concentrate in studies bah!
great...mum and bro's nagging combination waves coming again! SAVE ME!
Kai Song last roared after this post at 9:47 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Wah... Today was like so wad la. LoL early morning was planning to go and chiong the holiday homeworks. And den yea... I slacked =X Computer temptations.... What is sure to come together when using the computer for me? Videos(youtube la) and songs.lolz.
So afternoon is the real thing. Was suprised that the class don't know how to use a forum -.- ... Ever see one forum with the same thread titles? That's what I saw... -.- Yup no doubt,same thread titles,but different content inside. People of our age,maybe they are notthat exposed to the internet,ya? (A reason to use the computer more! XD )
Then so so... I was doing this forum thingy,typing out this one whole long passage on the topic on whether man is the main cause of the environment we are having today. And then as I click the post button,guess what happened. This stupid error came out! ARGH.... I'mm so mad... I typed like... one whole page den this came out? LoL I expected this to happen... Whole school use one server. so many people login and do their things at one go. Not overloaded den funny. And it's like...imagine it! You've typed so much den all ur work has been erased?! o_O (I pressed back button oso cannot! T___T )
Went mapling last night. Woots! Finally reached level 75 mark liao! =] And then it's back to my hobby-killing SG boss,Captain Latanica. LOLX! And the funniest part? One full party going in this time. -.- (When many will want to go in at most 3 people...) zzz but it was fun! The best part? I used almost no potions and got nice equips.... wahaha!
A picture of the fight! (heh? Finally uploadable from! )
It can be kinda stupid since I'm the lowest level there... -.-
Decided to do some mini-spamming of scrolls for the first time.And what did I got? O_O So many successes? Not 100% scrolls la. All of them are 60% scrolls! You know... It's not really getting such a pattern...This is what you call Beginner's luck! Idea from... Wei juan,eleanor and Jasmine Ker.
So here i am... Still enjoying life without those nice nice friends overseas. Oh crap.Try doing the homework tommorow.Hope it does not hang. Then I happy liao. =]
To all those overseas, I know you all wont see this,but get back in one piece! =]
Kai Song last roared after this post at 6:16 PM
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Hah! Dind expect me to come back here right?
That's what you all gonna expect when one gets bored from what he has in a holiday. first thing,listening to brother's nagging... training the same account in the same place for hours... reading comics...LoL
Anyway. The main purpose of my post here. I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU GOING FOR THE EXPEEDITION!
ok that's it. tata -.- (got tons of moodle-ing to do.not noodleing)
"You are the only one who hold tight to my hand when I was falling. Thank you so much." (You all must understand that all we've achieved now is not just a work made by ourselves,but the work of you and those around you.) =]
THANKS!(dun say who b4 crappy rumours come popping out at all the people.RUMOURS SUCKS!Who the world invented such a thing?)
Kai Song last roared after this post at 3:52 PM
Sunday... The last day of the weekends! So many people leaving for expedition... T___T I WAN GO OVERSEAS! D=< lolz but nvm la... Homework is like... OMFG?! Heh! Whatever it is,everyone of you enjoy urselfs! x)
Mapling is like... Oh well dunno how to say... I've been like trying to farm mesos like mad this few days. But oh well... cancel my zak ideas! I need DEX equips! T___T Wad you expect for a warrior? Hard life. lol.
Tommorow. Plan to chiong all my homework at one go! Eh he he... Then can slack one whole week!~ Oo la la... Oh well... Nothing really going on of much this few days. Go back maple! YES! Can lvl liao! chiong to lv 80 hold my nice nice Heaven Gate... ~
I WAN GO OVERSEAS! T_________________T
Kai Song last roared after this post at 10:35 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Holidays are here! Yea... And with the holidays,there's no doubt that Mr Homework will come into your house -.- Yea. And the nice part? Monday. Yea,I can start doing all of them at one go on Monday. That's my style! (Once you start,dun stop!)
Nothing really much these few days,just need to thank some of them for cheering me up(sms MSN or other stuffs u can think): Eleanor,Shane,Wei Juan.
think there's more... sry if i missed you out!
Kai Song last roared after this post at 6:44 PM
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Oh holy jesus... I'm sooo... sooo... well... you know it... yesh! I'm sad I'm EMO! Heh. Dun ask me why. I just feel so painful. It feels as though something stabbed right through my heart...
Haiz...It's somewhat about the class... I'm getting REAL SICK of what I'm having as my job as a class sweeper! Yea,imagine me sweeping the class every single time from the start of the year till now! >>:( Worse still people have been kind of insulting me by kind of calling me a future cleaner.(well most of them said that's my future ambition!) Even though some of the nice ones will somewhat say thanks...I mean... I've willingly sacrificed so much of my own time just to keep the classroom environment clean and all I got was these craps? I mean I dun really expect anything but doing all this...isn't it abit too much? Haiz... Maybe all I've done.Maybe it was all for nothing.
Then then... people really have me getting on my nerves. Disturbing me with all those stupid hellish bloody rumours, treating me as though I'm one born to be insultedmandmore than just that. It kinda hurts,and I cant put it in words. And you know what? All the "Shut-Up la!"s are coming back. Yesh,gone with my freedom of speech once again. CLASS! I've already let go of it! How many times must I say that! I'm dedicating this year to studying for 'O' LVL OK?! haiz... I'm really getting sick of this class.... Last year oso liddat. Tried changing for the better. In the end oso no result come out,what the world... First it was Vatsal den it's me...GOOD! Who's next? This class...It's a torture...and I'm 100% SICK OF IT!
Nothing much this morning, lessons all day long. Only special thing = Yongwei treated me chocalate-marshmallow. And Holiday Homework piling up like a staircase to the sky...
Afternoon speech day rehearsal... It was a total failure like thingy... Tat who la! Rehearsal is like...taking all the hall people to te quadrangle... I know we are kinda short of people but leaving JUST ONE PEOPLE in the Control Room (since I'm in the hall) isn't a problem right? Then later having lunch alone in the canteen..(I had to wait till 4 just to have...)what you call Glutinous Rice or low mai gai... -.- WTH? Then eating alone is like... I feel so sad lor...The canteen just feels so empty. other than me. (cause being at the front. Looking straight at the back is one row of tables,dark and cold.)
Then Eleanor and Shane came. LoL Since when did those 2 came? Talked abit about homework and stuffs and they were so great to guess that I was emo.Yesh. I've been really EMO and sad for the whole day. Guess no one would have guessed that out before them.(in fact they are the only ones who guessed it out..) Then I go up immediately after the talking and great... when i wanted to work more,it's time to pack up.
Go back home.Even nicer. I missed my bus. Now you know I dun take bus 187 for nothing! ya... Need to walk home once again! But somehow...the walking seems like an eternity...
Now? Bah. My mum's rage never get any better. The same 3 lines nagging. Scolding my brother so seriously till he cry over such a small matter. Haiz... Why is life such a torture?
I really really need to rest... The ending for term 1? A sad one.... I really REALLY need to rest... So many homework... So many rumours...So many criticism...So much loneliness... So little trust between members... Why must this always happen? Yea... I know I'm typing in vain cause no one will care to read this or even care to console me...
Signing off,Kai Song the fallen one...
"Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?Late at night i toss and i turn and i dream of what I got,but all I got are nightmares..."
Kai Song last roared after this post at 7:32 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Zzz... And today's yet another day of business all packed up.>_<" Ok,starting today's thingy! And so today for PE... We had once again..a short one... Thanks to the many thingies the Principal and DM said. Mainly on the Mas Selamat thingy... Everywhere's talking about it! LoL this pic should have explained it all!
Hahaz!A creative joke har? But...Yeap! Someone is on the loose... Hope he will get caught back quick so that everyone will be safe and sound! LOL Nowadays I just keep feeling as though I'm a guardian angel! Hahaz!
Now so as for today... Was kinda sad again... -____-" If you ask me why.I will say " I dunno." Cause I really dunno! Hah! -.- (Yea,that's a fake smile) Oh well... Now you know why I keep sighing in class...
Had Chemistry test today! 1 out of 6 tests down! And that was kinda easy actually! Probably because of yesterday's revision and the most importantly,Mr Lee's "good luck" that he gave me! XD Better believe it than never! LOL then while we are doing the test.Mr Lee is looking at our so called "wishes for the year" and wrote comments at each and everyone of them!(He left out Sze Yee's and Ri Sheng's...) Then after test was looking at it and OMG! Smiley faces everywhere! And mine is like wad... Well I only remembered the last sentence which goes something like "You are a good boy!" People love praises.Gonna work hard for Chemistry!
Oh well... talk abit about last night befoer I continue on... Last night was a real busy for me!
I've been like firstly...helping Lily fill her phone with the songs she wan(1song 1 vid nia!) and those I had in my comp! =P (1st time I love to spam sending!) And yea...I sent about only half of the songs in my computer(in fact lesser than tat...) Often when we do not check up on our things, we are not sure of how much we achieved...
Next up...It's Hong Keng... This time.. I'm not converting for him! If I convert for 2 people at the same time the converter sure hang/super slow de marhz... So it's time i get into my teachings again! LoL Dunno he still understand how to use or not since my mum's been nagging me to off as I was about to finish...
OK! Back to today's stuff! So after school wad in the world was I doing in the classroom after the test? Well... I was... Let's jst say...contributing to the classroom with my career! Yes guys...I'm the one sweeping once again.. >___________________<" And the result? Horrifying -.-... I sort of tried to have a rush mode and in the end... it took 70mins to get the class cleaned! And the amount of dust? Horrifying -.- And the hotspots to sweep? LOL... lemme see...It's all still the same... -.- Seriously... I really should ask for some CIP or merit points from all these...It's like from the start of the year and I'm the only one sweeping lor! Of course! I'm not alone.Khai Boon and Junlong accompanied in class! Or are they staying just for that Rubik's cube? =.="" So after the sweeping and the sending of the dusts in the classroom into the rubbish bin, the three of us had lunch together at the $1.50 chicken rice kopitiam again... =X After that went BB Tea... Was crapping tons about maple though...ARGH! Temptaion's there again! LOLz.... ONE MORE WEEK! HOLIDAYS COME! Ok video time! Posting this video cause...I love this song.And... girls likes it.(though I only sent to Lily under her request but that shows that other gals will oso like it right?) And I'm a boy... Same idea there! Meanin boys will oso like de marhz. Those who want it(video or MP3 version)in their handphone can come tagging me here or leave me a offline message. I LOVE THIS SONG! It's sort touchy! so nice! so sweet!(offs to book zakum squad so I can try tio helm durin the holidays!) (back...) You'll be in my heart - Kingdom hearts
ENJOY!!! LOVE IT! (I can't find any better edited ones though,be it from KH/naruto/wadeva other shows.)
So touchy sia. LOL lyrics here!
:::YOU'LL BE IN MY HEART::: Come stop your crying, it will be all right Just take my hand, hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here dont you cry
For one so small, you seem so strong My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm This bond between us cant be broken I will be here dont you cry
And you'll be in my heart Yes youll be in my heart from this day on Now and forever more Youll be in my heart No matter what they say Youll be here in my heart Always
Why cant they understand the way we fee lThey just dont trust what they cant explain I know we're different but deep inside us We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart Yes, youll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more Youll be in my heart No matter what they say Youll be here in my heart Always
Dont listen to them, cause what do they know We need each other, to have and to hold Theyll see in time, I know
When destiny calls you, you must be strong I may not be with you, but you gotta hold on They'll see in time, I know Well show them together 'cause
You'll be in my heart I believe, you'll be in my heart Ill be there from this day on now and forever more
Youll be in my heart No matter what they say Youll be here in my heart always
Always... Ill be with you Ill be there for you always Always and always
Just look over your shoulder (x3) I'll be there always
WAIT WAIT WAIT! There's still more!(guess this will be my loongest post eva!)You know what? MapleSEA (Although this version is playable only in Singapore and Malaysia,SEA=South East Asia) BROKE THE WORLD RECORD OF DEFEATING ZAKUM! 3MINS02SEC...Imagine tat! Oh well... nid prove? Over here! yes...another video -.- So happy sia... WORLD RECORD LEI!(lol will I make it dere?)
Cassiopeia's Zakum Speed Run(which turned out to be a world record in the end!)
Ok,time to revise! ENJOY! happy holidays in advance! "whoever you are to me or I am to you,don't cry..I'll be there!"
Kai Song last roared after this post at 5:06 PM
Monday, March 03, 2008
My gosh... I really gonna faint...This week... Tests are flooding me! Hope the teachers will forget about giving us the holiday homework! X) Now lemme see...this is my timetable of the week -.- ...
Monday :Maths remedial Tuesday: Chemistry Test Wednesday: A-Maths Common Test(got tons of formula to remember for this one..) and Chinese test on compre(I suck at this...) Afternoon got Thursday: Geography Test... Afternoon speech day rehearsal... Friday: Maths test again... afternoon cca..
SEE! So dun expect me to blog about the next few days so easily! (probably friday/saturday since it's the last day of the term! =)
Ok so today was more of pretty very school like. Morning PE was super energetic! Must start the week early marhx! Had mini soft ball today for PE... And junlong and I are like firing bombs at each other with the bomb!
Recess... Passed SiewMind the sweet I promised. And I guess I was like throwing my plate down into that bucket thing and the moment I'm back, the whole packet of sweet is gone -.- ... Dun understand how lor. Only like 5 people sharing 20 sweets and it's gone in less than 30 seconds? Break record liao bah!
After that EL lesson! Was supposed to form into groups of 4 or 5 but instead... I got a group of 3! yup.Specially made up by... me,yong wei and vatsal! ( Cant ditch him aside right? )
Then it's PCCG/Assembly. Wasn't sure of the program so I ran from the class to the control room via the library staircase then back to the classroom via the spiral staircase. MAN! That could have wanted my life! jk!
After school had maths supp. And it's so dark! Thanks to the 'skies gonna rain' state... Then the holy rain began. Closed all the windows oso will kana tio splashed by the raindrops..
After which went to sort of revise for Chemistry with Lily in the study corner... (since both of us are the only one studying for the test -.- ) Learnt quite abit of things. Lucky we saw Mr Lee in school later on! And the nice part lei? O_O ps I forgotten to mention the others who were there. LoL first it was Hongkeng.
And then i was like only wanting to drink some water from Lily's water bottle(since I finished my 1.35litre bottle before recess...) and Hong keng was like raising the bottle high up asking me to say "Ah!"... And so I did that... And he tried squirting into my mouth and so...some went in...and the others either went wetting into my shirt or my face... -.-
Later Kay Wee, Johnathan and SiewMing came,did lotsa talking... And some funny actions like wad "massage"thingy... Hongkeng arhs -.- Then ZOMG! Security saw that and den he say "Boy! Do any more funny thing I send you to office arh!" Then we all like were laughing in pain... Oh well... Then Johnathan is the pro-est... He's been like a watch-tower hor...standing dere watching his own CCA for like...2hours?
Oh well...That's almost all for the day. Had lotsa fun today... =)
=) You all acknowledged me more than anyone else ever did... You are my friend...someone who I was finally able to bond with.. I shall ensure you all will be safe from any meanie! If any meanie were to harm you,I'll bash him up! If he cuts my hand,I'll kick him to death! If he chops my leg,I'll bite him to death! If he chops off my head,I'll stare at him to death! If he gauge my eyes out,I'll curse him from beyond the grave!jk~([not JK for 1st sentence] of this paragraph)
Kai Song last roared after this post at 7:35 PM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
My my my~ Today I really woke up super late...Why? LoL I slept late again... Why? First I talk happily with someone over MSN that I forgotten to take at the time.(Hehe~ My councilling lor~ So many people so sad... I cannot just watch my friends die right in front of me right? ^_^ ) Then later.. my brother wanted me to play the Playstation with me THEN again watched some movie(CDs la...where got 24 hours cinemas one...) And then... I slept at 2am.. >_<"
This morning... the first thing I wake up after the morning usual things such as breakfast and brushing your teeth,etc. Dunno why arhs... Just started to chiong my homeworks -.-" LoL...doing the TYS makes me feel like...OMG?! I forgotten so many things already? Man...I gonna buck up...Then english...Suey -.- Was supposed to edit a paragraph and then I sort of written it with those chim chim language(and I written half a page of paper with only a paragraph!) And then now we are supposed to edit it...And...I left it in school?! OMG.... Tommorow try chiong during recess lor -.- ( even though changing is gonna take quite abit of time [since there's PE tmr]-.-)
Then after I've finished doing my homework... back to MSN! And talk with the same people I talked to last night... hmm... wondering about...i dunno -.-
Oh well... Temptaion's still dere... -.- Yes... I'm back into maple... -.- Very average today. LVLED!
HOLY CRAP. MY MUM's NAGGING AGAIN! Talk more next time. tata.
Kai Song last roared after this post at 8:59 PM
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Great... I don't know why I even played knowingly I got one stack of homework coming up... -.- Oh well... Take it as one of my last days of gaming since I know I'm gonna as busy as well... a 24 hour operated vending machine.
With the special event MapleSEA has specially created. I'm back in my boss killing spree! Managed to solo a griffey and at least 5 papulatus today! It actually can be kinda scary you know? While killig the small things suddenly one gigantic monster comes out of nowhere and attacks you... LOL wadeva it is! I'm gonna lvl! (not posting screenshots!)
O.O Last night... Tuition I was super blur! Dunno why lei... Teacher ask me why I just say thinking about something lor.(Wad else will have been a better excuse anyway?) =P Then this student in our class suddenly told the teacher that Axel is coming back for tuition and the teacher was like..."OMG? He better dun come back!" You know out class de la... Lots of jokers in it -.- (Dun believe can ask XueLing(E2),Alvin(E5) or John(E5)...
Then back at home I looked real stupid... instead of doing my homework or sleeping tight. Guess what... i was spending like from 10-12(or was it 1?) SMS-ing... and solving the rubik's cube...Addiction! Wadcha expect! =P x)
Well...that sums up almost the whole thing.tired of my family quarreling all day long... -.- (not my gan family arhs!) I love my gan-family!~So peaceful and err...something like bonded! xP
Oh well...time to do my homeworks...cya all on monday!
"What I say,what I'll count."
Kai Song last roared after this post at 6:57 PM
About me
Who am I? I am..
Tan Kai Song,
18 Years Old,
Born on 9th January 1992 (09011992) YPS,HYSS
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Network Systems and Security(Year 2)
♥ Loves! ♥
Ng Siew Ming ♥
Family and Friends~
Doraemon :P
Going out xD
★ Wishes~ ★
Be with darling together forever ♥
more,More & MORE Money! $_$ A laptop
Lucky every day! xD